P { background: url(http://www.natashapsychic.com/Images/background.jpg)} Natasha Psychic.com: CLEARING YOUR BLOCKS (TO HEAVEN)

Saturday, December 17, 2011


“When will I meet my soul mate?” is my client’s frequent question.

“When you are ready,” is my psychic response.

“How will I know when I’m ready?”

“When you meet your soul mate.”

The truth is that we can gauge the health of our psyches by the results we manifest in our lives. None of us are able to enjoy and maintain success in any area until we are ready to accept on the unconscious level— as well as the conscious—that we truly deserve to have that which we desire. Negative subconscious core beliefs can really mess with our best laid plans. I’m not good enough is a common conviction. If our subconscious minds hold the data that runs our reality, don’t we want to make sure that data is not contaminated with some old destructive virus?

With the advent of December 21, 2012 looming over us like a potentially bad migraine, now is the time to let go of our emotional “stuff.” I propose that this date does indeed represent an ending—of a very dark era. The supposed end of the Mayan calendar also portends heavenly new beginnings.

But how do we do clear something that is invisible to us? Letting go doesn’t have to involve years of counseling. Time is not the challenge. If you are ready, willing and courageous, you can change your life in a millisecond, simply by making a decision. However, you might need assistance arriving at that decision

Through a series of exercises in my six-hour workshops I offer participants the opportunity to identify and clear their subconscious blocks so they can experience heaven on earth. And when a person makes the decision to let go, a new world opens up where unforgivingness, guilt, trauma, unresolved grief and past life hooks become a fading nightmare. The bad feelings evaporate back into the ether where they are transmuted into our personal gift of empowerment. In an “ah-ha” moment we realize that, like finding Waldo, that gift of release was there all along. Until we were ready to accept our gift, we just couldn’t see the flip-side of pain concealed in the bigger picture. All the space which that glob of pain occupied and the tiredness that brick-like weight caused suddenly dissolve, and as the universe abhors a vacuum, that energy is now replaced with an incredible lightness of being. Ah! Heaven!


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